Strong Interest In The New Mobile Recruitment Awards

2014-mobile-recruitment-awardsSince announcing the brand new Mobile Recruitment Awards earlier this month we have been delighted with the response. We have already had enquiries from the UK, United States, India and Australia which is great news because it offers an opportunity to look at the different mobile recruitment offerings and experiences across the globe. We are hoping that by the closing date of the 14th February we will also receive further enquires and entries from the rest of the world as well.

About The 2014 Global Mobile Recruitment Awards:

The 2014 Global Mobile Recruitment Awards will acknowledge those companies from around the world leading the way in the use of Mobile Recruitment and at the same time help raise the awareness of Mobile Recruitment best practices.

Designed to acknowledge mobile excellence and innovation across all aspects of the recruitment process, the awards will close for entries on the February 14th, 2014. The winners will be announced by live video stream on the March 27th, 2014.

Recognition & Awareness:

There is no doubt that any company that uses the internet to recruit people will be affected by the massive growth of mobile as a way of accessing the web. The new awards will offer an opportunity to acknowledge what is currently happening in the market and to also raise the level of awareness about mobile recruitment and how it is being currently used.

Global Mobile Recruitment Award Categories:

The awards consist of the following categories:

  • Best Corporate Mobile Website
  • Best Recruitment Agency / Staffing Firm Mobile Website
  • Best Job Board Mobile Website
  • Best Corporate Mobile Recruitment App
  • Best Recruitment Agency / Staffing Firm Mobile Recruitment App
  • Best Job Board Mobile Recruitment App
  • Best Mobile Recruitment Marketing Campaign
  • Best Mobile Employee Engagement Platform
  • Most Innovative Mobile Recruitment Product or Service

How To Enter:

Full details of how to enter can be found at:

The closing date for entries is the February 14th, 2014.

Further Information & Sponsorship:

For further information about the 2014 Global Mobile Recruitment Awards can be found at:

If you are interested in becoming a sponsor of the awards then please contact me for further details.

Mike Taylor


2014 Global Mobile Recruitment Awards Launched By Web Based Recruitment

I am delighted to announce today the brand new Global Mobile Recruitment Awards.

2014-global-mobile-recruitment-awardsThe 2014 Global Mobile Recruitment Awards will acknowledge those companies leading the way in the use of Mobile Recruitment and at the same time help raise the awareness of Mobile Recruitment best practices.

Designed to recognise mobile excellence and innovation across all aspects of the recruitment process, the awards will close for entries on the February 14th, 2014. The winners will be announced on the March 27th, 2014.

Mobile recruitment is a very hot subject at the moment globally, with published reports and surveys showing that job seekers want to able to search and apply for jobs using their mobile device. Unfortunately, the majority of companies don’t make this service available to job seekers!

Recognition & Awareness

There is no doubt that any company that uses the internet to recruit people will be affected by the massive growth of mobile as a way of accessing the web. By hosting these brand new awards it not only gives us an opportunity to acknowledge what is currently happening in the market but it also helps us raise the level of awareness about mobile recruitment and how it is being currently used.

Award Categories

The 2014 Global Mobile Recruitment Awards consist of the following categories:

  • Best Corporate Mobile Website
  • Best Recruitment Agency / Staffing Firm Mobile Website
  • Best Job Board Mobile Website
  • Best Corporate Mobile Recruitment App
  • Best Recruitment Agency / Staffing Firm Mobile Recruitment App
  • Best Job Board Mobile Recruitment App
  • Best Mobile Recruitment Marketing Campaign
  • Best Mobile Employee Engagement Platform
  • Most Innovative Mobile Recruitment Product or Service

Further Information

Full details of awards can be found at

Mike Taylor

mike taylor - web based recruitment


Mobile Recruitment Workshop At The UK Recruiter Conference

Admit One Ticket (Light Blue)Over the last few weeks I have been working on a range of new recruitment products and services for 2014.  One of the big focus areas for me in 2014 will again be Mobile Recruitment (which continues to grow like crazy).

In the meantime, on the 12th November 2013 I am running a Mobile Recruitment Workshop session at the UK Recruiter End of Year Conference.

Louise Triance from UK Recruiter has put together another great programme of speakers this year so if you are in London on the 12th November then I understand that there are still some places available. If you book here and quote the discount code MikeVIP then you can save 25% on your ticket.

New Mobile Recruitment Website

If you can’t make the conference on the 12th November then why not check out my recently launched Mobile Recruitment website  at where you will find the latest mobile trends, success stories, case studies and mobile recruiting insights.

NORAs Awards

Following the End  of Year Conference there is also the opportunity to attend the National Online Recruitment Awards organised by Stephen O’Donnell.  Now in its 13th year it is a great event for networking and celebrating success in the recruitment industry. You can find out more  the NORAs and book your tickets here. Hopefully see you there!

Mike Taylor





Matthew Jeffery To Be Keynote Speaker At 2013 Social Media In Recruitment Conference

matt jeffery - sapMatthew Jeffery, Head of Global Talent Acquisition Strategy & Innovation at SAP, will be the keynote speaker at the 2013 Social Media in Recruitment Conference on the 11th July 2013.  Matthew has a wealth of recruitment experience to share and was an early adopter in the use of both Social Media and Mobile.

Matthew will be sharing his current knowledge and predictions in his keynote address “Recruiting in a Social & Mobile World” at the conference which is being run jointly with the Mobile Recruitment Conference at the Hotel Russell in London.

About Matthew Jeffery

Matthew Jeffery is a world renown leading Recruitment Strategist and Talent Thought Leader. He has over 16 years recruitment experience and 5 years sales and marketing experience. Matthew was voted ‘Recruitment Personality of the Year’ at the 2010 Recruiter Awards.

Matthew is currently the Global Head of Talent Strategy & Innovation at SAP, the world leader in enterprise applications in terms of software and software-related service revenue. He has previously been the Head of EMEA Talent Acquisition & Global Talent Brand at Autodesk; and Director of Talent Brand at Electronic Arts, (with 5 years heading up the EMEA Recruitment function).

About the Social Media in Recruitment & Mobile Recruitment Conferences

The two conferences on the 11th July 2013 have been programmed to help the following types of Recruiters and businesses maximise the use of social media and mobile in recruitment:

• HR Corporate Recruiters
• Recruitment Agencies
• Recruitment Advertising Agencies
• Job Boards
• Recruitment Industry Suppliers

In the joint morning programme, expert speakers will share their extensive knowledge including:

Best Practices – What is working well in Social Media and Mobile Recruitment and how to get similar (or even better) results
Case Studies – Find out how recruiters are using Social Media and Mobile to hire great people (including success stories from our previous delegates!)
Latest Trends – What’s “hot” right now and what you should be doing to stay ahead

The afternoon programme will include separate Master Class Sessions covering:

Social Media:

LinkedIn – The latest strategies on how to maximise the use of LinkedIn to find and attract job seekers
Facebook – Making Facebook a really effective part of your recruiting strategy
Google + – How to get great results from using other Social Media channels including Google+ and Pinterest


Why mobile has become an essential part of recruitment and how to implement a successful mobile recruitment strategy
Mobile Websites & Mobile Apps – Which one to choose and the pitfalls to avoid
How to use Mobile Marketing to attract targeted job seekers

For more information about each conference visit: and

Mike Taylor
Web Based Recruitment

Recruiters – Why You Need A Mobile Friendly Recruitment Website

A few short years ago Recruiters could be excused for having a website that didn’t display properly on a mobile device.  Smartphones were still relatively new and job seekers would accept the fact that the mobile internet was still evolving. They also thought that Recruiters would (eventually) get around to having a proper mobile-enabled website so they could then search and apply for a job using a mobile device. If only that were true!

The reality is completely different. If you haven’t yet got a mobile friendly website then this video will help you understand the reaction you could get when your next jobs by email alert goes out and is viewed on a mobile phone:

The Mobile Recruiting Facts

There still seems to be a lack of recognition by Recruiters that job seekers want to be able to search and apply for jobs using a mobile device. Here are some recent stats:

  • The Mobile Recruiting Outlook Report issued by Simply Hired in January 2013 showed that 70% of job seekers had used mobile technology to look for a job. Furthermore, it found that 86% of job seekers would use mobile technology if there was an easy way to apply for a job. However, the recent iMomentous Fortune 500 Mobile Readiness Report, showed that only 33% of companies had a mobile careers section and only 3% had a mobile apply function!
  • 8 out of 10 phones now sold in the UK are smartphones so it should be no surprise to Recruiters that so many job seekers are now expecting to be able to search and apply for a job using a mobile device.
  • According to Google, 1 in 5 of all job searches are carried out on a mobile device (source: 2012 Mobile Recruitment Conference)
  • Some of the leading UK job boards are now seeing 30% of their traffic come from a mobile device

Your Mobile Website Traffic Stats

If you haven’t already checked how many people visit your website via a mobile device then I would strongly encourage you to do so as soon as possible. Once you know that figure you can assess the size of the problem you have by not having a mobile friendly website!

If you need more help in understanding and implementing Mobile Recruitment then request a copy of our Free Mobile Recruitment Guide or check out our Mobile Recruitment Video Training Course.

About The Author

Mike Taylor runs Web Based Recruitment, the Online Recruitment Marketing and Events specialists, with a focus on Mobile, Video and Social Media.

NEW for 2013... The Mobile Recruitment Conference and Social Media in Recruitment Conference – 11th July 2013.




Recruiters – 75% Of Facebook’s Users Are Mobile – Do You Know What Your Figure Is?

facebbok-mobileFacebook today confirmed that it now has 751 million mobile users who are active every month out of their total user base of 1 billion.

And according to Facebook’s Q1 2013 results, mobile now represents around 30% of its advertising revenue.  Facebook have admitted in the past that they were a bit slow when it came to monetising the growth in mobile, but when you now have a 75% mobile user base, and 30% of your total advertising revenue coming from mobile, it certainly make you focus more!

So What Is Your MobileRecruiting Focus?

When you see these Facebook figures of  75% active mobile users, and Chris Hoyt (Talent Engagement and Marketing Leader at PepsiCo) saying at SHRM Atlanta this week that 95% of all PepsiCo communications to job seekers were being read on mobile devices, it really does emphasise just how important it is to have a proper mobile recruitment strategy in place.

Some job boards in the UK regularly see 30% of their traffic every month coming from a mobile device, and that figure is increasing month by month.  With 8 out of 10 phones now sold in the UK being smartphones it is not difficult to understand why these job boards are seeing their mobile traffic stats increase!

What Are Your Mobile Visitor Figures?

If you haven’t done anything to check how much mobile traffic you are receiving then make sure you check your website analytics quickly to fully understand your situation.

If you are using the free Google Analytics software then you can easily check your mobile traffic stats.


As you can see from the menu on the left there is an option called “Mobile”.

By clicking on the “Overview” link underneath you will then be shown the stats for how many people visit your website via a mobile device, as well as how many don’t.

If you then click on the “Devices” link you will then see a breakdown of the types of mobile devices that people are using to visit your website.

And if you continue to click any of the links highlighted in yellow you can see various other bits of information about service providers, operating systems etc. In fact, if you click on “Other” it will even show you the screensize resolution!

google analytics

So as you can see, with tools like Google Analytics freely available, there really is no excuse for not knowing what your mobile visitor figures are.

About The Author

Mike Taylor runs Web Based Recruitment, the Online Recruitment Marketing and Events specialists, with a focus on Mobile, Video and Social Media.

NEW for 2013... The Mobile Recruitment Conference and Social Media in Recruitment Conference – 11th July 2013.





Is Mobile The Ultimate Passive Candidate Solution?


An article in the Wall Street Journal caught my eye last week. It was talking about how a smartphone could get you a job.

Nothing new in that you might think, particularly as I have writing about mobile recruitment since 2010! However, in this particular article it gave a specific example of just how effective mobile recruitment can be, especially for a passive job seeker.

Keith Gormley was the person mentioned in the article, and whilst on the train last year he looked up the mobile website whilst travelling to work (he was a bit bored that morning and he felt Twitter was a bit quiet).

A social media position at a large insurance company (Prudential) caught his eye on the mobile website and over the next couple of days he did some research on Twitter and LinkedIn before applying for the job from home. After going through the interview process he was successful and got the job.

What was interesting about this particular example was that Keith was already in work and wasn’t actively looking for a new job at the time. Instead he was browsing out of curiosity rather than as part of a specific job hunting plan.

A couple of questions come to mind:

  • If didn’t have a mobile website would he have found out about the job? In which case would he still be with his former employer?
  • How many passive candidates could your company be missing out on every day by not having a mobile-enabled website?

Ever since I can remember the ultimate goal of a lot of Recruiters is to find those elusive passive candidates who are currently employed, but could be open to new opportunities. (You can view the full WSJ article here)

Will mobile recruitment help Recruiters achieve that goal?  What do you think? Please feel free to comment below:

Further Information

To find out more about mobile recruitment check out our upcoming Mobile Recruitment Conference on the 11th Juy 2013 and our Mobile Recruitment video-based training course.

Social Media In Recruitment – Where Have The Last Four Years Gone?

Four years ago this week I came up with the idea to run Europe’s first Social Media in Recruitment Conference and quickly registered the domain name Having just paid the fee to renew the domain name again it got me thinking… where have the last fours years gone and what has changed since then?

My first conference took place on the 16th July 2009 and both YouTube and Facebook were amongst our speakers.  There was a lot of buzz and interest on the day and I distinctly remember Facebook proudly announcing that they had just reached 250 million members. They now of course have more than 1 billion members!

Twitter was just starting to get talked about, mainly because of celebrity profiles at the time like Stephen Fry, but there were still the predictable comments like “what a waste of time, why do I want to know what someone had for lunch?” and “Twitter will never work in recruitment”.

There were also questions around why would people want to use YouTube as it was “only for stupid videos where cats fall off skateboards.”

Then of course there were are our speakers on the day, including a certain Bill Boorman, who then went on to build a globally successful #TRU Conferences brand. There is even a picture of him in a suit and tie (without a hat!)

Do You Remember How You Felt About Social Media Four Years Ago?

Can you remember how you (and your clients?) felt about social media four years ago and how have your views changed compared to today?

Also, can you remember any classic reasons that people gave you as to why social media wouldn’t work in recruitment? I’m sure there must be some real gems out there!

Please feel free to leave your comments below.

2013 Social Media in Recruitment & Mobile Recruitment Conferences Announced – Two Conferences – One Venue

I am pleased to announce that our Social Media in Recruitment Conference  and our Mobile Recruitment Conference will take place in London on the 11th July 2013.

With Social Media and Mobile being so closely aligned today, we will be running both conferences together at the same venue, together with a new format.

Our confirmed speakers so far include Matthew Jeffery – Head of Global Talent Acquisition Strategy & Innovation at SAP and Bill Boorman, founder and disorganiser at #tru conferences.

New Format

The morning will be a joint conference with a mixture of Social Media and Mobile speakers, together with case studies and best practices. In the afternoon there will be separate Social Media and Mobile Master Class sessions, with the latest advice and practical tips to help recruiters get the most from using Social Media and Mobile.

Social Media

Facebook spoke at our first Social Media conference in July 2009 and they proudly announced that they had just reached 250 million users (they now have more than 1 billion users!).  If you add to that the fact that social media offerings like Google + and Pinterest didn’t even exist in 2009 then you can see just how quickly things have changed.


Mobile usage has also grown significantly since our first Mobile Conference in 2010. With 8 out of 10 phones now sold in the UK being smartphones it should be no surprise to recruiters that so many job seekers are now expecting to be able to search and apply for a job using their mobile device.

Social Media & Mobile Expo Area

Delegates will have access to a dedicated expo area during the day where they can talk to suppliers and watch demonstrations of various social media and mobile related products and services.  (Any company interested in being part of the expo area should contact Mike Taylor for the latest stand availability.)

About Web Based Recruitment

Web Based Recruitment ran Europe’s first ever Social Media in Recruitment Conference back in July 2009 and the world’s first Mobile & Video in Recruitment Conference in September 2010. Over the last four years more than 1,000 delegates from 23 different countries have attended the conferences organised by Web Based Recruitment.

If you have any questions about the conferences then please feel free to contact me.

Mike Taylor

Does Social Media Really Only Account For 2.9% Of Hires?

CareerXroads recently released their Annual Source Of Hire Report which looked at the different sources used by companies when recruiting new employees.

As I would have expected, the top three sources of hires were:

  • Referrals
  • Career Sites
  • Job Boards

Referrals took first place as the top source of hire with 24.5%, closely followed by careers sites with 23.4%. Job boards were in third place with 18.1%.

Although Social Media only accounted for 2.9% of the total, in my opinion it does play a far bigger role as job seekers do tend to “discover” jobs through sites like Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter. However, if job seekers then go on to complete applications through a careers website or a job board then there could be some overlap in terms of how they found the job?

1997 v 2012

If you compare the results to a survey 15 years ago by the Society for Human Resource Management you can see that employee referrals were seen in 1997 as a very important source of hire (the same as they are today).

Are employee referrals a large part of your recruiting strategy? What level of employee referral activity do you have in your company?

View The Report

You can view the full report by visiting the CareerXroads website here.


What is your view of the 2012 results? Do they surprise you or are they what you would have expected? Do you feel that Social Media plays a bigger role than the 2.9% suggests? Please feel free to comment below: