Why Are Recruiters Slow To Adopt Mobile Recruitment?

I spoke a couple of times last week at the Recruitment Agency Expo in London and the subject of my presentation was “Mobile Recruitment – no longer an optional extra”.

In one of the sessions there were 85 recruiters in the room and only 5 of them (just 6%) had a mobile-enabled website.

This was on the same day that comScore announced that out of a total UK mobile audience of 49.5 million, nearly 32 million (64%) have a smartphone and 8 out of 10 new mobile phones purchased today are smartphones.

If you also take into account the following stats from the “What Users Want From Mobile” survey from Google:

•    52% of users are less likely to engage with a company that doesn’t have a mobile presence
•    48% of users felt like the company didn’t care about them
•    36% felt like they had wasted their time

then it really does paint a picture that recruiters are way behind the curve in terms of embracing mobile and are potentially damaging their business at the same time.

With Google stating at our Mobile Recruitment Conference that 1 in 5 of all job searches are now mobile, and some companies seeing 30% of their website traffic now coming from a mobile device, it really does surprise me as to why mobile recruitment isn’t taken more seriously?

What do you think the reasons are for the low adoption rate? Is it simply a lack of knowledge or the fact that they recruiters don’t appreciate the size of the problem and how many potential candidates (and revenue) they are losing? Please leave a comment below.

About The Author

Mike Taylor runs Web Based Recruitment, the Online Recruitment Marketing and Events specialists, with a focus on  Mobile, Video and Social Media. Previous events run by Web Based Recruitment include the Social Media in Recruitment Conference and the Mobile Recruitment Conference.

NEW for 2013... The Mobile Recruitment Workshop on the 12th March 2013, designed to help you understand and implement mobile recruitment into your company.

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