Recruiters – 75% Of Facebook’s Users Are Mobile – Do You Know What Your Figure Is?

facebbok-mobileFacebook today confirmed that it now has 751 million mobile users who are active every month out of their total user base of 1 billion.

And according to Facebook’s Q1 2013 results, mobile now represents around 30% of its advertising revenue.  Facebook have admitted in the past that they were a bit slow when it came to monetising the growth in mobile, but when you now have a 75% mobile user base, and 30% of your total advertising revenue coming from mobile, it certainly make you focus more!

So What Is Your MobileRecruiting Focus?

When you see these Facebook figures of  75% active mobile users, and Chris Hoyt (Talent Engagement and Marketing Leader at PepsiCo) saying at SHRM Atlanta this week that 95% of all PepsiCo communications to job seekers were being read on mobile devices, it really does emphasise just how important it is to have a proper mobile recruitment strategy in place.

Some job boards in the UK regularly see 30% of their traffic every month coming from a mobile device, and that figure is increasing month by month.  With 8 out of 10 phones now sold in the UK being smartphones it is not difficult to understand why these job boards are seeing their mobile traffic stats increase!

What Are Your Mobile Visitor Figures?

If you haven’t done anything to check how much mobile traffic you are receiving then make sure you check your website analytics quickly to fully understand your situation.

If you are using the free Google Analytics software then you can easily check your mobile traffic stats.


As you can see from the menu on the left there is an option called “Mobile”.

By clicking on the “Overview” link underneath you will then be shown the stats for how many people visit your website via a mobile device, as well as how many don’t.

If you then click on the “Devices” link you will then see a breakdown of the types of mobile devices that people are using to visit your website.

And if you continue to click any of the links highlighted in yellow you can see various other bits of information about service providers, operating systems etc. In fact, if you click on “Other” it will even show you the screensize resolution!

google analytics

So as you can see, with tools like Google Analytics freely available, there really is no excuse for not knowing what your mobile visitor figures are.

About The Author

Mike Taylor runs Web Based Recruitment, the Online Recruitment Marketing and Events specialists, with a focus on Mobile, Video and Social Media.

NEW for 2013... The Mobile Recruitment Conference and Social Media in Recruitment Conference – 11th July 2013.





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