JOBS Radio – Our Internet Radio Station Launches 1st February 2016


We are pleased to announce that we are launching a brand new Job Related Internet Radio Station – JOBS Radio.

JOBS Radio will officially launch on the 1st February 2016 offering job seekers a new way to access job search advice and information about job vacancies.

As the UK’s first Job Related Internet Radio Station job seekers will be able to listen to interviews with Industry Experts and Authors as well as Featured Shows with Employers and Recruitment Agencies.

With JOBS Radio we have combined the growing trend of using the Internet to listen to radio and incorporated Job Search Advice, Expert Interviews and Featured Shows with Recruiters.

Looking for job search information and advice on the Internet can become a very time consuming and overwhelming process. It can also be a lonely and demoralising experience. That is why we will also be playing a variety of music to help job seekers feel upbeat and motivated during their job search activities!

Featured Shows

Our Featured Shows offer a unique platform for Recruiters to have a regular radio show in order increase the reach and visibility of their company and current vacancies.

To find out more visit JOB Radio today.

Happy listening!

mike taylor - web based recruitment




Mike Taylor


Do The Social Media Recruitment Tips Still Hold True From 6 Years Ago?

It’s hard to believe as I write this post that I organised Europe’s first ever Social Media in Recruitment Conference back on the 16th July 2009 (6 years ago today).

A lot has happened in social media since that date, and to a lot of people who attended or spoke at the inaugural event who have gone on to make very successful careers/ businesses for themselves.

Number 1 Tips Video For Using Social Media In Recruitment

I remember putting a short video together of social media recruiting tips from some of the speakers and attendees on the day.

Take a look at the video which includes the number one tips for using social media in recruitment and judge for yourself if their tips are still valid today?

Included in the video are Josh Smith (formerly of Facebook) , Lisa Scales, Lucian Tarnowski, Bill Boorman (without a hat or beard) Andy Headworth, Paul Harrison and Alan Whitford.


mike taylor - web based recruitmentMike Taylor

Mike Helps Companies Attract Targeted Candidates With Recruitment Videos & Online Video Ads




Free Webinar – How To Use Online Video To Attract Targeted Candidates

The use of online video is growing all the time and is now officially the fastest ever growing form of online media. In fact Cisco recently predicted that online video would account for 84% of all Internet traffic by 2018!

If you are on social media yourself you would have no doubt noticed the increase in the amount of videos shared on sites like Facebook and Twitter?

If you haven’t started using online video yet then there are some great ways to combine online video and social media to target your ideal candidates.

Free Webinar

We will be sharing those ideas on Monday 15th June between 3pm and 3:45pm UK time when we run our free webinar called –  How To Use Online Video To Attract Targeted Candidates.

Register Here

To register for this free event simply click here to register.

We look forward to “seeing you” on the 15th June!

Mike Taylor

mike taylor - web based recruitment



How Recruitment Videos Can Help Get Your Jobs Noticed And Shared

Having video on your website and sharing those videos through social media can certainly help you expand your reach and visibility. With the launch of our cost effective video service we can help recruiters gain an important competitive advantage, help them get their recruitment advertising to stand out from the crowd and literally “bring their jobs to life.”

If you look outside of recruitment a lot of business related videos are used to raise awareness or attract the viewer to a new product or service e.g. a video trailer for a new film or a video promoting the latest smartphone. The great thing about these types of videos is that they usually contain compelling (unique) content to engage the viewer.

As far as recruitment is concerned far too many companies still only have traditional text based job adverts that appear the same as everyone else’s whereas job seekers are now expecting to be able to watch a video about your company, your jobs and why your business is different.

Why Use Online Video To Attract Candidates?

  1. Grabs Attention – Most job seekers won’t read everything that is written on a webpage but they are likely to watch a video if you have one and it looks of interest.
  2. Multiple Modalities – Online video appeals to different learning styles enabling job seekers to absorb information in different ways. Some people absorb information best if they hear the message, some prefer to see the message and some prefer to read the message. Online video covers all three different learning styles.
  3. One To One Connection – You can convey both emotion and personality in online videos allowing you to connect with your views on a one to one basis.
  4. Share On Social Media – Online videos are one of the most shared items on social media which means you are easily able to extend your reach and visibility.
  5. SEO Rankings – It is becoming more and more common for videos to appear on the first page of the Google search results. In many cases an online video can appear higher in the search results than a companies’ own website!

Suggested Uses For Recruitment Videos

There are a number ways that videos can be used in recruitment:

  • Ongoing Vacancies
  • Graduate Vacancies
  • Seasonal Vacancies
  • Individual Job Vacancies
  • Recruitment Events
  • Company Profile / About Us
  • Video Testimonials
  • Video Blog Posts / Video Podcasts

New Video Service

With our new video service we create 60 to 90 second videos that talk about the company and the available jobs. The videos can then be uploaded to a jobs/careers website and posted to video sharing sites like YouTube as well as being shared across social media.

Over the last few years online video has really gained in popularity and according to Cisco by 2018 around 84% of all internet traffic will be video based! So it really is time to start using video to attract candidates and promote your company or risk getting left behind!

Further Information

To find out more about how to use recruitment videos to gain more visibility and extra reach for your job vacancies call Mike Taylor today on +44 (0) 1962 883754 or email:

mike taylor - web based recruitment


Mike Taylor

Andy Headworth – Social Media Recruitment Book Launch

andy-book-amazonI was fortunate to be invited to attend a private book launch party last night. It was hosted by Andy Headworth who is the author of a brand new book called Social Media Recruitment.

For those of you who remember that far back I ran Europe’s first ever Social Media in Recruitment Conference back in July 2009 and Andy kindly spoke at two out of the five Social Media Recruitment Conferences that I ran.

I caught up with Andy at the book launch party to ask him how the book came about and how he sees the current level of social media recruiting knowledge amongst Recruiters.

“How To” Guide

I believe this book will quickly become the default “how to” guide for Recruiters looking to devise and implement a social media recruitment strategy into their company.

The book has had some great feedback from professionals in the recruiting industry and you can find more details about the book on Amazon: Social Media Recruitment: How to Successfully Integrate Social Media into Recruitment Strategy

Why Using Online Video Should Be A Priority For Recruitment In 2015

We are only just over 2 months into 2015 and already there are some staggering stats around about the growth of online video.

For example, did you know that in relation to YouTube:

  • YouTube has more than 1 billion users
  • 300 hours of video are uploaded to YouTube every minute
  • Half of YouTube views are on mobile devices
  • The number of hours people are watching video on YouTube each month is up 50% year on year
  • Mobile revenue on YouTube is up over 100% year on year

However, one of the most interesting stats was that toward the end of 2014 Facebook had more direct video uploads than YouTube! (source ReelSEO)


Online Video Ads

The upoading and sharing of videos on Facebook continues to grow at a very, very fast rate but did you know that there is also great opportunity for Recruiters to use a combination of Online Video Ads on both Facebook and YouTube to target their ideal candidates!

We will be covering how to do that at our upcoming Video Recruiting Workshop on the 24th March 2015 where we will take you through How to Create Recruiting Videos to Target Your Ideal Candidates.

To find out more visit our Video Recruiting Workshop page or click on the banner below:


Target Your Ideal Candidates With Candidate ATM

We are pleased to announce that we have today officially launched our new Social Media Advertising service Candidate ATM.

Candidate ATM (Audience | Target | Message) has been designed to enable Recruiters target their ideal candidates through a combination of Social Media Advertising and Online Video.

One of the major challenges for Recruiters in 2015 will be targeting and attracting their ideal candidates and this is where Candidate ATM can help.

Our Candidate ATM service enables you to quickly get your recruiting message in front of your ideal candidates. These are typically the kind of candidates who aren’t actively looking to change jobs (as they already have a job) and they typically don’t tend to have their CV or resume registered with job boards.

Also, by using online video as part of a targeted campaign companies are able to communicate and engage candidates in a much more effective way than they can with traditional text-based advertising.

If you have any questions about Candidate ATM then please feel free to contact me as follows on +44 (0) 1962 883754 or email at:

Mike Taylor

What Are Your Three Wise Recruiting Strategies For 2015?

From reading various research and prediction type articles over the last few weeks it is clear Recruiters are confident that the number of vacancies in 2015 will continue to rise. However, Recruiters seem less confident in being able to find and attract enough quality candidates to fill those roles.

So as a Recruiter what three recruitment strategies should you have in place to increase your recruiting success next year?


Here are my three suggestions for 2015:

1.    Mobile Recruiting

If you don’t want to risk losing candidates to your competitors in 2015 then at a minimum a mobile enabled web site is an absolute “must-have”.

I am still staggered by the number of companies who either don’t know how many job seekers visit their website from a mobile device or simply don’t care enough to do anything about the lousy candidate experience.

Not only are they wasting some of their advertising costs (because candidates can’t search and apply for a job from their mobile) they also run the risk of damaging their brand at the same time.

Job seekers today are expecting companies to have a mobile-enabled presence and are getting less and less tolerant of those companies that don’t.

2.    Online Video

Just like job seekers are expecting companies to have a mobile-enabled presence the same is starting to happen with online video.

At the moment not many companies have an online video presence which means that if you start using online video yourself in 2015 it can still give you a competitive advantage.

But online video doesn’t have to be expensive. Whereas a professional corporate style recruiting video can cost many thousands of pounds/dollars (and they do still have their place) today you can have videos created in many different styles and at a much lower cost.

Here are a couple of examples of videos we have created recently:

However, when deciding to have a video produced it is important to understand why you are doing it? Is it to:

  • Raise Awareness?
  • Build Relationships?
  • Generate Job Applications?

Plus, what action do you want people to take as a result of watching your video?

  • Email you?
  • Register with you?
  • Phone you?

Remember, having a video just for the sake of it (without working out “why”) can be worse than not having a video at all.

3.    Social Media Advertising

The key to social media advertising from a recruiting point of view is the ability to target people by demographics, geography, interests etc. and social media sites like Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and YouTube all allow you to do this.

If you want to get your recruiting message in front of your ideal candidates then using paid advertising on these various social media sites can work really well.

Advertising on YouTube will really start to take off in 2015 as awareness grows that it is not just a channel for big multi-national companies to advertise on.

However, as people on YouTube are able to skip your ad after only 5 seconds the key will be to grab the viewers attention in the first 5 seconds so that they keep on watching and ultimately (if they are still interested) click though to your website.

What Are Your Three Wise Recruiting Strategies For 2015?

Having shared mine, what are your three wise recruiting strategies for 2015? Feel free to leave your feedback below.

Matthew Jeffery To Be Keynote Speaker At 2013 Social Media In Recruitment Conference

matt jeffery - sapMatthew Jeffery, Head of Global Talent Acquisition Strategy & Innovation at SAP, will be the keynote speaker at the 2013 Social Media in Recruitment Conference on the 11th July 2013.  Matthew has a wealth of recruitment experience to share and was an early adopter in the use of both Social Media and Mobile.

Matthew will be sharing his current knowledge and predictions in his keynote address “Recruiting in a Social & Mobile World” at the conference which is being run jointly with the Mobile Recruitment Conference at the Hotel Russell in London.

About Matthew Jeffery

Matthew Jeffery is a world renown leading Recruitment Strategist and Talent Thought Leader. He has over 16 years recruitment experience and 5 years sales and marketing experience. Matthew was voted ‘Recruitment Personality of the Year’ at the 2010 Recruiter Awards.

Matthew is currently the Global Head of Talent Strategy & Innovation at SAP, the world leader in enterprise applications in terms of software and software-related service revenue. He has previously been the Head of EMEA Talent Acquisition & Global Talent Brand at Autodesk; and Director of Talent Brand at Electronic Arts, (with 5 years heading up the EMEA Recruitment function).

About the Social Media in Recruitment & Mobile Recruitment Conferences

The two conferences on the 11th July 2013 have been programmed to help the following types of Recruiters and businesses maximise the use of social media and mobile in recruitment:

• HR Corporate Recruiters
• Recruitment Agencies
• Recruitment Advertising Agencies
• Job Boards
• Recruitment Industry Suppliers

In the joint morning programme, expert speakers will share their extensive knowledge including:

Best Practices – What is working well in Social Media and Mobile Recruitment and how to get similar (or even better) results
Case Studies – Find out how recruiters are using Social Media and Mobile to hire great people (including success stories from our previous delegates!)
Latest Trends – What’s “hot” right now and what you should be doing to stay ahead

The afternoon programme will include separate Master Class Sessions covering:

Social Media:

LinkedIn – The latest strategies on how to maximise the use of LinkedIn to find and attract job seekers
Facebook – Making Facebook a really effective part of your recruiting strategy
Google + – How to get great results from using other Social Media channels including Google+ and Pinterest


Why mobile has become an essential part of recruitment and how to implement a successful mobile recruitment strategy
Mobile Websites & Mobile Apps – Which one to choose and the pitfalls to avoid
How to use Mobile Marketing to attract targeted job seekers

For more information about each conference visit: and

Mike Taylor
Web Based Recruitment

Recruiters – 75% Of Facebook’s Users Are Mobile – Do You Know What Your Figure Is?

facebbok-mobileFacebook today confirmed that it now has 751 million mobile users who are active every month out of their total user base of 1 billion.

And according to Facebook’s Q1 2013 results, mobile now represents around 30% of its advertising revenue.  Facebook have admitted in the past that they were a bit slow when it came to monetising the growth in mobile, but when you now have a 75% mobile user base, and 30% of your total advertising revenue coming from mobile, it certainly make you focus more!

So What Is Your MobileRecruiting Focus?

When you see these Facebook figures of  75% active mobile users, and Chris Hoyt (Talent Engagement and Marketing Leader at PepsiCo) saying at SHRM Atlanta this week that 95% of all PepsiCo communications to job seekers were being read on mobile devices, it really does emphasise just how important it is to have a proper mobile recruitment strategy in place.

Some job boards in the UK regularly see 30% of their traffic every month coming from a mobile device, and that figure is increasing month by month.  With 8 out of 10 phones now sold in the UK being smartphones it is not difficult to understand why these job boards are seeing their mobile traffic stats increase!

What Are Your Mobile Visitor Figures?

If you haven’t done anything to check how much mobile traffic you are receiving then make sure you check your website analytics quickly to fully understand your situation.

If you are using the free Google Analytics software then you can easily check your mobile traffic stats.


As you can see from the menu on the left there is an option called “Mobile”.

By clicking on the “Overview” link underneath you will then be shown the stats for how many people visit your website via a mobile device, as well as how many don’t.

If you then click on the “Devices” link you will then see a breakdown of the types of mobile devices that people are using to visit your website.

And if you continue to click any of the links highlighted in yellow you can see various other bits of information about service providers, operating systems etc. In fact, if you click on “Other” it will even show you the screensize resolution!

google analytics

So as you can see, with tools like Google Analytics freely available, there really is no excuse for not knowing what your mobile visitor figures are.

About The Author

Mike Taylor runs Web Based Recruitment, the Online Recruitment Marketing and Events specialists, with a focus on Mobile, Video and Social Media.

NEW for 2013... The Mobile Recruitment Conference and Social Media in Recruitment Conference – 11th July 2013.



