Mobile Recruitment Workshop At The UK Recruiter Conference

Admit One Ticket (Light Blue)Over the last few weeks I have been working on a range of new recruitment products and services for 2014.  One of the big focus areas for me in 2014 will again be Mobile Recruitment (which continues to grow like crazy).

In the meantime, on the 12th November 2013 I am running a Mobile Recruitment Workshop session at the UK Recruiter End of Year Conference.

Louise Triance from UK Recruiter has put together another great programme of speakers this year so if you are in London on the 12th November then I understand that there are still some places available. If you book here and quote the discount code MikeVIP then you can save 25% on your ticket.

New Mobile Recruitment Website

If you can’t make the conference on the 12th November then why not check out my recently launched Mobile Recruitment website  at where you will find the latest mobile trends, success stories, case studies and mobile recruiting insights.

NORAs Awards

Following the End  of Year Conference there is also the opportunity to attend the National Online Recruitment Awards organised by Stephen O’Donnell.  Now in its 13th year it is a great event for networking and celebrating success in the recruitment industry. You can find out more  the NORAs and book your tickets here. Hopefully see you there!

Mike Taylor





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